Customer service
Qualification Summary:
The aim of this qualification is to recognise learners' achievements within the customer service environment. It is also for learners whose job role requires them to deliver continually improving service to customers. These learners may be in roles that carry a customer service specific job title, or their primary responsibility is to deliver excellent service to customers.
This qualification can also be used by learners who may not regard customer service as their primary responsibility, but recognise that customer service competencies are essential to complement their technical skills.QCF level 1-4 is available in this qualification.
Aim: This qualification is ideal for people who have the scope to bring about permanent improvements in service delivery that benefit their organisations and its customers. These people 4on’t necessarily have to be in a role where they’re directly responsible for people. It's available for learners aged pre-16 and above.
Minimum entry age: Pre 16
Guided Learning Hours: 153-173
Credit value: 22
Operational end date: 31/07/2014
Qualifications structure
To achieve this qualification, learners must achieve a minimum credit value of 22 credits. 8 credits must be achieved by successfully completing both mandatory units. A further 14 credits must be achieved by completing at least of one unit from Group A, B and C. A minimum of 8 credits must be at level 1.
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Aim: This qualification is ideal for those people whose customer service role calls for well-developed behavioural competence but whose scope for bringing about change and independent decision-making is limited. It's available for learners aged 16 and above.
Minimum entry age: 16
Guided Learning Hours: 192 - 228
Credit value: 28
Qualifications structure
To achieve this qualification, learners must achieve a minimum credit value of 28 credits. 8 credits must be achieved by successfully completing both mandatory units. A further 20 credits must be achieved by completing at least one unit from each of groups A, B, C and D. A minimum of 11 credits must be at level 2.
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Aim: This qualification is ideal for people who have the scope to bring about permanent improvements in service delivery that benefit their organisation and its customers. These people don’t necessarily have to be in a role where they’re directly responsible for people.
Minimum entry age: 16
Guided Learning Hours: 279 – 360
Credit value: 42
Qualifications structure
To be awarded this qualification, a learner must achieve a minimum of 42 credits - 12 credits must be achieved from the Mandatory units. A further 30 credits must be achieved by completing a minimum of one unit for each of the Optional groups, but a minimum of 10 of those 30 credits must be at level 3
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NCFE LEVEL 4 NVQ DIPLOMA IN CUSTOMER SERVICE: (Reference number: 501/0232/1)
Aim: This qualification is ideal for people who have the scope to bring about permanent improvements in service delivery that benefit their organisation and its customers. These people don’t necessarily have to be in a role where they’re directly responsible for people. It's suitable for learners aged 18 and above.
Minimum entry age: 18
Guided Learning Hours: 443 - 487
Credit value: 67
Qualification Structure:
To achieve this qualification candidates need to complete 67 credits. 20 Credits must be completed from the Mandatory units and 47 credits must be achieved from the optional units. A minimum of 35 credits must be achieved at level 4.
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